How often should I check my skin?

How often should I check my skin?

  • Post last modified:March 14, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Skin check matters. Every 6 hour, one Australian dies of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. 

Fortunately, skin checks are life-saving. It’s as simple as going into your skin cancer clinic to have them check your body for any suspicious moles or changes that could signal cancer. But you might be surprised to learn that the Australian Health guidelines do not  suggest that everyone keep annual dates with their doctor. They say “there is not enough evidence to recommend for or against routine screening to find skin cancers early. This recommendation is for people who do not have a history of skin cancer and who do not have any suspicious moles or other spots.”

Recent studies may have failed to show the effectiveness of routine screenings for melanoma for everyone, but doctors still recommend yearly skin checks.

“Generally speaking, I recommend that everyone starts getting an annual body check in early adulthood,” says Marc Glashofer, M.D., a skin cancer surgeon in New Jersey. 

In part, that’s because the guidelines don’t take into account non-melanoma skin cancers, including basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The recommendations are instead based off of death rates from melanoma. Basal and squamous cell aren’t as deadly as melanoma, but they’re far more common. Only a fraction of these cancers spread to other parts of the body, but finding them early can be the difference between easy and scar-free removal and serious surgery that can have a significant impact on your life , like having to remove large sections of your nose or ear .

Understanding Your Risk Factors

In terms of skin cancer, the population at the highest risk is anyone with fair skin, often called Skin Type 1 and Skin Type 2 (here’s how to determine your skin type). These people tend to have a hard time tanning and burn easily, and are Caucasian with blue eyes, light hair, and freckles. No matter what, they should get annual skin checks. 

 And for the rest of the population? Skin cancer risk is based on a slew of other risk factors, the biggest of which is a history of skin cancer yourself. Other risk factors: a history of severe sunburn, a history of using tanning beds, and a sibling or parent who has a history of skin cancer. Research also suggests that having more than 11 moles on one arm could put you at an increased risk for skin cancer.

If someone has a history of skin cancer or has a first-degree relative with a history of skin cancer, they should be coming for screenings every six to 12 months. 

In fact, a history of sunburns and tanning beds puts you at a higher risk of skin cancer than someone who simply has fair skin and these people should also see their doctor once or twice a year.

Then, consider factors like your job or your general health. Studies show that pilots have more instances of skin cancer than the rest of the population. And jobs that keep you outdoors (gardening, athletics) can increase risk too, thanks to increased exposure to harmful UV rays.

People who are immune compromised, like transplant patients, are also at an increased risk because their immune systems aren’t able to fight off mutations as effectively.

If you’re totally low-risk with dark skin, no history of skin cancers, no past tanning bed trips, and don’t want to see a skin cancer doctor? Keep up with self-checks and make sure to see a dermatologist if you notice any asymmetry (A), changes in border (B), changes in color (C), changes in diameter (D), or any evolving moles (E).

Check your skin yourself

No matter how often you see a skin cancer clinician, noticing skin cancer is not all up to your doctor. 60%  of melanomas are picked up by patients themselves or a family member.  That’s why every quarter, after you get out of the shower, doing a self-check of your skin and moles, keeping an eye out for any changes in the ABCDE’s, itching, or bleeding.  Take ownership of your moles.  After all, your doctor usually only sees your skin once a year—you see it every single day.

And Don’t Forget… Getting your skin checked is not a time to be modest. You can have skin cancer anywhere—even in places where the sun doesn’t shine. So while it may be uncomfortable to strip down in front of your doc, it could also be the difference between catching a deadly disease early and not. If you don’t feel comfortable with your doctor, it’s important to switch doctor and find one you’re more at ease around.