IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

IPL is a non invasive skin treatment to improve and rejuvenate your skin.   IPL is a very effective treatment for getting rid of sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone. 

IPL goes down to dermis without harming the top layer or epidermis. Asa a result there is very minimum visible redness on your skin.

IP can be customised to each patient’s individual needs and goals to provide long-lasting results.


IPL treatments are quick and effective with very little downtime. IPL is used to minimize or remove:

  •  age spots and pigmentations
  • sun damage
  • freckle
  •  birthmarks
  • varicose veins
  • broken blood vessels on your face
  • rosacea
  • hair on your face, neck, back, chest, legs, underarms, or bikini line

Photo Rejuvenation

improving skin tone and texture
Collagen boost


Well tolerated
No downtime

non invasive

cost effective

More affordable than skin laser with comparable outcome

How does it treatment work?

IPL releases pulses of intense light of many different wavelengths, like camera flash. The emitted light in each pulse allows us to treat a variety of skin spots at the same time.

During the IPL treatment, we use device to emit pulses of light onto the surface of the skin. The light energy is absorbed by the target tissue, which causes it to heat up.  Pigment cells in your skin absorb the light energy, which is converted into heat. The heat destroys the unwanted pigment to clear up freckles and other spots. IPL destroys the hair follicle to prevent the hair from growing back. The heat generated by the light energy also stimulates collagen production.


How to prepare for IPL?

Before your IPL procedure, your dermal therapist will examine your skin and let you know what to expect. Let them know if you have any skin conditions that might affect healing after your treatment, such as skin allergies or eczema.
Your skin care specialist may recommend that you avoid certain activities, medications, and other products for two weeks prior your procedure.  

During this time, it is recommended to avoid:

– direct sunlight
– waxing
– chemical peels
– collagen injections
– drugs that increase your bleeding risk, such as aspirin ( cartia) and ibuprofen (Advil)
– creams or other products that contain vitamin A, such as RetinA, or glycolic acid

What to expect

IPL may be slightly uncomfortable during the treatment but usually well tolerated and very fast.  Your dermal therapist will place the light emitting probe close to your skin and very bright light is emitted to your skin. Your skin spots may turn brown and  slough off within few days leaving a rejuvenated skin.  Side effects associated with IPL are typically mild and temporary. Common side effects include redness, swelling, and bruising. More serious side effects are rare but can include burns and pigment changes.



How many treatment sessions do I need?

You can get IPL every four weeks.  Based on  your clinical  need, you may get fantastic results with 2 or 3 sessions of IPL. Some people get few treatments first then once a year maintenance IPL treatment to keep their skin in good shape.


IPL for Rosacea

Rosacea can be effectively treated with IPL.  Rosacea is triggered by mites in the skin causing inflammation and redness of skin.  IPL can reduce the redness from this infestation. Rosacea can be successfully managed using IPL and topcial medical treatment

Depending on the area being treated, the treatment can take between 10 – 30 minutes. The  treated areas may turn red immediately. This redness may last for a couple of days. You can apply mineral makeup can the following day.

We usually recommend 3 sessions of IPL treatments. Small capillary and spider veins disappear completely in many case and reduces in others.  There are a small number of people who do not see a result from treatment. It is important to remember that vessels can return, or new vessels may develop, so maintenance treatments once a  year may be necessary.




After your treatment, your skin will be very sun-sensitive for 4 -6 weeks. The skin could burn very easily. Sun damage will negatively impact your IPL results. To minimize sun damage after IPL, we recommend to:

● stay out of the sun as much as possible.

● Wear a wide-brimmed hat or umbrella to shade the skin when you will be outdoors.
● Use a broad-spectrum mineral sunscreen such as invisible zinc.

Reapply every one to two hours. Even after you’ve healed, protecting your skin from intense sunlight is very important. The sun’s damaging UV rays are a primary cause of premature skin ageing. After IPL, your skin could become hypersensitive, especially to heat.

Avoid hot baths and showers. A warm shower should be tolerable, but make sure the water is not directly hitting the skin. Only wash treated areas with cool or lukewarm water for the first two to three days. Avoid using harsh skincare products, including exfoliants, scrubs, perfumed soaps and lotions, bleaching creams and retinol until your skin has healed. Chlorine may also irritate your skin, so avoid pools, spas, and saunas.

Cleanse daily using a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser. After IPL, brown spots on your skin will temporarily darken and crust over. Avoid picking and pulling at these dark spots. Scratching at healing skin can disrupt the recovery process. It can also lead to scarring. If your skin itches, apply a cool compress to temporarily ease symptoms.

Moisturising your skin is essential after IPL. Use a gentle moisturizing cream multiple times each day to keep your skin comfortable
and moisturized. Skin hydration doesn’t only come from the surface, either.
Drink lots of water to moisturize your skin from the inside out.